The Return of the Prodigal: The Lengthening Shadow of Russia in the Middle East
India's 'Look Far East': The Vladivostok Moment in Indo-Russian Relations
India and the October Revolution
Values in Russian Foreign Policy
Teaching of Social Sciences in Schools and Colleges in India
Communism in India
Europe's Eastward Expansion
Asiatic Orientations of Early Soviet Socialism
The Soviet Study of India 1917-1947
Post Soviet Indo-Russian Relations
Writing History in Eurasia: The Soviet State and After
The Solitude of Afanasii Nikitin
Identity and Politics in Provincial Russia
Rethinking New Political History
Shadows of Substance in the New World Order
Party Formation and the Russian Political System
Russia's Presidency
Yeltsin's Parliament and Russia's Politics
Social Welfare and Public Policy in Late Imperial Russia
Origins of the Russian Revolution of 1905
Peasant Land and Peasant Society in Late Imperial Russia